How Terrapin is helping complex, high-risk patients take their medicine on time using the Codeproof MDM solution
Customer facts

Terrapin's fleet of Android-based first of a kind Medherent medicine dispensing devices needed a customizable MDM solution to work consistently and reliably to serve high-risk patients in eldercare facilities across the country. Large companies with products like VMWare AirWatch and IBM MaaS360 proved unfit for Terrapin's unique needs, especially with customization and customer service.
Codeproof MDM provided a customized solution that is now installed on more than 1000+ Medherent devices across the nation providing elders with medicines on time day after day. Our robust platform provides features like kiosk lock down, Medherent app deployment and updates, HIPAA security, activity logging, MDM API integration with Medherent app, geographical device grouping and others to help Terrapin meet its needs. Combined with our highly responsive and personalized customer service, Codeproof's flexibility has proven an able partner for Terrapin Pharmacy.
Terrapin's Mission
Terry Peters understands the criticality of Terrapin Pharmacy’s mission to ensure medication adherence through innovation. While roughly 70% of adult Americans are prescribed medications - often multiple medications - by their healthcare providers, only around 50% take them consistently. Further, only 30% take them both consistently and in the correct manner.
"Terrapin Pharmacy leverages innovation to improve patient health outcomes by positively impacting the healthcare ecosystem," said Peters.
This means that Terrapin simplifies medication management for patients and healthcare providers by rethinking processes to help people take their medications more regularly. Their aim is to improve outcomes and reduce costs for patients and healthcare providers alike.
Choosing the right MDM
Their signature product is the Medherent medical device, a patented remote medication management system. Using a combination of pharmacy fulfillment processes, multi-dose packaging, and an in-home dispensing device and care management software promoting medication adherence among complex, high-risk patients. The device component is based around an Android tablet.

Medherent alerts patients to take their medicine from the device, monitors when patients activate the device, alerts caregivers in real-time if the patient has dispensed medicine, provides up-to-date historical adherence data, and maintains current medication lists for patients.

With a large number of Medherent devices scattered over a large geographic area and the need for reliable and consistent delivery to high-risk patients, an effective, localized, and customizable MDM solution was needed. Terrapin tried working with companies like VMWare and IBM, but the results were underwhelming.
Further, larger companies proved unresponsive Terrapin’s needs. They weren’t able to adequately respond to Terrapin's particular needs, including the need for custom software because of their large bureaucracies and prioritization of other customers.
"Any requested feature changes or new options involved a challenging interaction with their Engineering bureaucracies," said Peters. "The interaction(s) often involved long lead times, not only for a decision regarding the 'possibility' of the needed features/changes, but also the timeline for implementation after approval."
In this environment, Terrapin found Codeproof, which provides the following advantages:
a) The Codeproof team has been very responsive to Terrapin's needs at every level in the needed timeframes, and involves both its executive management and engineering teams.
b) The Codeproof platform is an economical and scalable system of MDM management that meets the needs of Medherent’s non-traditional medically oriented deployments.
c) The platform’s most useful features for Terrapin are based on central control of all enrolled Medherent devices. These features include kiosk mode, remote lock, application whitelisting, location tracking, activity logging, device health logging, geofencing, group policy management, and user access.
d) The Codeproof team’s flexibility in deploying new devices and scaling their service to Terrapin's evolving needs has benefitted them from a total cost of deployment standpoint.

Getting the results
Terrapin Pharmacy has completed initial testing and are currently rolling out the initial deployments of 1000 Medherent dispensers, each utilizing an Android tablet. These devices are using the Codeproof platform’s kiosk mode integrated with Terrapin’s custom user software.
Terrapin are "extremely likely" to recommend Codeproof’s combination of a great product, sterling customer service, and a "can-do" culture within the organization.
"With a technology partner like Codeproof, an ally that is committed to the success of our endeavors, we feel that any future challenges we might encounter will be addressed head on and with success," said Peters.
For a full list of Codeproof’s feature sets, please visit our Enterprise Mobility Management page.
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