How Always Dream provided low-income families high-quality books to read to their children using the Codeproof platform
Customer facts

Kristi Yamaguchi’s Always Dream Foundation ensures children from low-income families have access to high-quality books in the home environment and extensive family engagement support.
In particular, they serve under-resourced kindergarten classrooms in the San Francisco Bay Area, Arizona and Hawaii. Aiming to improve students' access to technology, they wanted families to utilize tablets they provided for reading at home. Thus, they needed a solution to help them limit access to the digital library we provide.
Lori Yamaguchi, executive director of Always Dream felt the Codeproof platform's simplicity helped families easily adapt to the technology.
"It has been very beneficial for us to be able to push any updates to our protocol to all of the devices from the Codeproof dashboard without us having to ask the end-user to make any changes," she said. "These families are not often technologically adept, so being able to make changes remotely is invaluable."
As always, Codeproof's responsive customer service is a huge boon, even for the relatively low-tech non-profit education space.
"Codeproof has been very responsive to our needs as a non-profit working in the education space," she said. "While we realize education is not a common area of business for Codeproof, we appreciate their flexibility in meeting our needs and being available to support our questions."
Unauthorized app infiltrations since Codeproof9/10
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